Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Got bounce?

Resiliency --- great word; greater way of being.

The coverage of the tornadoes that tore through Oklahoma, one person captured the spirit of resiliency when amidst the fallen trees and houses reduced to pick-up sticks said, “We’ll get up, clean up, and stand up.”

So be it.

I do not believe resiliency is common only to Americans; however, our “unbridled optimism” does create a strong foundation for resiliency to take root and rise.

Resiliency is every rebuilt home, village, city and life.

Resiliency is why we root for the underdog.

Resiliency is why we don’t leave sporting events early.

Resiliency is our love affair with the second chance.

Resiliency is vacations in New Orleans.

Resiliency is cutting the ribbon to claim the Jersey Shore is open for summer.

Resiliency is falling down and getting back up; falling down and getting back up; falling down and getting back up.

Claim it.