Sunday, January 16, 2022



One of the favorite games of childhood is to search and find. Be it HIDE-N-GO SEEK, SARDINES, HOT OR COLD, scavenger hunts these plays are timeless, seemingly universal in their appeal.

Three of the best known stories told by Jesus involve losing and finding. In LUKE 15 we listen to the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost person --- the prodigal child.

We can relate to the frustration and, depending on exactly what or who is lost, the fear. We get increasingly frantic in our search, we leaf through piles of paper, turn over books, crawthrough clutter, ask, "have you seen ____," and receive the familiar advice, "Well, where's the lst place you saw it or had it?"

Recently, the majority of articles I've read and conversations shared have further highlighted our current shared bleakness and brokenness. The effect on one's mental health and wellbeing and the status of one's spiritual outlook have really "taken it on the chin."

So, here's a challenge! (I hear you groaning your disapproval) It came to me during today's quiet time. In each conversation and encounter FIND THE GOODNESS.

When my sister bemoans her state and all that is wrong, listing many travails and troubles, I listen (for as long as I can...) and then I say, "OK, now tell me five good things, give me five positives."

This is a good exercie for all of us. 

Here's the challenge. Begining now, in each meeting with another as you listen and observe....FIND THE GOODNESS. Enter the encounter with a set intention to FIND THE GOODNESS.

Keep looking and continue listening until you find it. 

When found point it out, tell others about it.

Happy searching!