Thursday, September 23, 2021



In early elementary school we learned that here in Southwestern PA we have four distinct seasons.  It was a good thing. We are fortunate. I agree and when asked the question, "What's you favorite season?"  I answer by saying I like and enjoy all four seasons, yet, have always been a major fan of fall.

It's the season of gathering in, as a kid I helped my mother to bring the plants inside to the basement set-up of growth lights.

It's the season of securing and hunkering down, it was fall when my father put up the storm windows that he fashioned from wood and heavy plastic.

As we prepare for the slow descent into winter, we also keep hope; I remember my parents planting the flower bulbs for bloom time in spring.

Fall is the World Series. This has always been my favorite sports event and when played outdoors on a grass field it's even better!  

Autumn is when the temperature turns to see-your-breath-cold.  Anyone else stand outside waiting for the bus and "smoke" a candy cigarette or a pretzel rod stogie???

Fall is donning sweaters and sweatshirts (the bigger the better), turtlenecks and tossel-caps.

This is the season of home and hearth and drawing in, a time for books and soup, fires, all things apples and recently that blasted pumpkin spice everything!

Happy Fall!  Enjoy all the gifts and lessons of the season!