Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Let us journey

What is the traditional greeting for this the start of the Lenten season? Does one wish a happy Lent? An introspective Lent? A good Lent?

Once again we begin the season where, as Frederick Buechner states, Jesus went to find out what it meant to be Jesus. We mark these 40 days, this holy season to do the find out who we are and how we are living; to seek to live more wholly, more aware, more spirit-centered lives. The point is that as we journey through, over, down, above and along the path to Easter we should arrive, though maybe a bit weathered and worn, more whole and more aware...more fully and abundantly you.

I seek to make the most of this season. To assist me, I am taking Sister Joan Chittister, OSB along for the journey; as well as Ruth Everhart. My journey mates will be the gifts of creation, the persons whom I know well and the folks whom I encounter frequently and those I meet along the way. The deal is to pay attention, to listen and to look, to ponder, to wonder.

As a possible assist for you on your journey, I share with you the following link:

This will direct you to Nadia Bolz-Weber, a Lutheran minister, who I have recently come across through her book, PASTRIX. Her emerging church sense, her real-ness and her at times cussing irreverence against staid and stale institutions toward a radical and welcoming and lived in the day-to-day grime and grind and glory speak to me.

At the church she planted and waters and grows in Denver, Colorado when they were putting together their church's website for the section: What We Believe they went with, "To find out what we believe, come and see what we do." Now there's a mark to strive for this season.....
