Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Listen Up

For my Benedictine friends today is the Feast of St. Benedict. Having been an oblate with the Bennies (and needing to re-commit) in our study group we read the "Rule of Benedict," a rule on how to be in community that has existed for centuries. The Rule is as relevant now as it was when it first appeared; the goal is to spend the year reading the Rule --- it really is good stuff and I do recommend it most highly. If you want to give it a go you can buy a copy of the book "A Spirituality for the 21st Century: The Rule of Benedict" by Joan Chittister, OSB. I have and use this version and along with a daily reading there is also commentary and insight from Sister Joan.

The first word in the Rule is "Listen." What a perfect word with which to begin a Rule on living well. Listen. Listen with the "ear of your heart" to your own self; listen to the world; listen to one another; listen to creation.

Remember as children in school when the teacher would have everyone sit quiet for a couple of minutes and then ask the class what they heard?

Today, I heard:
* Birdsong
* Laughter
* Good conversation on movies
* A dentist's polishing tool
* The shuffle of runners' feet on the trail
* A little leaguer announcing "I got something brewing" and then letting out a big belch -- after that display I believe he is the team's home run hitter
* Silence

Of course, my and your list could go on at length. I still think sitting quietly and noting what one hears is good practice ---- especially when one hears what is happening inside one's self.



Monday, July 9, 2012

Let's Play!

This post may be a kind of free association ramble, yet with Andrew McCutchen, of our first place Pirates, competing in tonight's "All-Star Home Run Derby," it got me thinking about the Snyder family version which lead to a reflection on the fine art of play.

A fond memory of mine and of my nephews was playing "Home Run Derby" in the field at my parents home. We spent many a summer evening playing home run derby and ours may have been more challenging because we played with wiffleballs and wifflebats. Of course, my brother Mark had the wisdom to wrap the wiffleball in black electrical tape which helped the ball to travel farther, yet, still left enough of the holes showing that one could throw a nasty bottom-dropped-out curveball.

As a kid at play and as an adult still at play and also instructing nephews, niece, and neighborhood children on the finer points of sports as provision for valuable life lessons, so much of my summer and those of my siblings was spent in that big field. We played wiffleball, we played "21," which is a great game to improve one's fielding prowess and also one's power of concentration as the Snyder's were known to play "full contact 21" and a body check or a hurled baseball glove was known to come your way. We played frisbee, we played football, we took batting practice where to get your 10 hits you also had to play the field (speaking baseball terminology and nothing more....), we played "Foxtail," we hit wiffle golf balls.....we just played anything and everything and had a glorious time.

For us and it seems those of generations previous, it was quite an easy thing to just gather together, have a ball (literally and metaphorically), make the rules (such as three fouls and your out), and just play.

We did not need a scheduled play date.
We did not need an adult to gather us together and divide us into teams and supervise the play.
We did not have to have a manicured, lined, and properly proportioned field.
We did not have to have a league.
We did not have to have a jersey.
We did not have to have all the right equipment.
All we needed was field, family and friends, and the fun of play.

There is something very beneficial to unsupervised, create-it-as-you-go play. Yes, you get exercise, yet you also tap into your creativity and understand how to play well with others. Anyone who every played with the neighborhood kids knows that the twink kid who dared to take his ball and go home risked the dread of being picked last or not at all. You learned that your actions had consequences and not to be an ass --- both valuable life lessons.

I am very blessed to come from a family that enjoys and knows how to play well. From balls to board games to the basics of making it up as you go along, learning to play well leads to living well.

Your assignment --- play something and have fun!


Sunday, July 8, 2012


The heat, my goodness the heat! It's been a week and I've got some observations on these days of heat, home runs, and holy conferencing.

There is a bit of a break in the weather, yet, this heat has been of the Dante Journey variety! During our very mild winter, I was one who kept nagging my winter hating friends that the summer would be Yowzers! One thing about this heat, one does bask in the gift of a small breeze and one definitely slows down. Both good things for the soul.

One of the coolest re-additions to the Pittsburgh skyline debuted this week with the weather tower atop the Gulf Building. I have absolutely no idea how to read it nor what it means, yet, the red, purple, and yellow colored bars add a zip and a wow to the skyline.

As we know, people from these parts, we love our fireworks! I chose the West End Bridge for my viewing vantage point on the Fourth-of-July. Always good to see the huge number of boats in the river and the incredible amount of folks who come out to watch the pyrotechnics. There were a couple of kids standing next to me and within the first three minutes of the display they had lost interest and spent the rest of the 20 minute (!) display saying the refrain, "I want the finale! I want the finale!" Seriously?? Here's this amazing free, firework display, the young ones are on the bridge where it's kind of cool to be and provided a great view and they were not able to appreciate it??!!?? What in the name of electronics and computers have we done??!!?? Shoot, when I was a kid running around the front yard with a sparkler was a thrill!

Pittsburgh was the focus point for two faith groups: the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians who held their major denominational meetings here in our fair city. I continue to be disheartened by the Church who continues to exemplify and be lead by fear insted of prophetic witness.

Lastly, HOW BOUT OUR BUCCOS??!??!? That energy of being in a city with a winning baseball team is back again this summer only this year it feels even better because we are playing amazing baseball and are 11 games over .500, have one of the best records in baseball, and are in first place at the break! Of all the spors, I've always loved baseball the best and it is magical to be following a winning baseball team...again...after 19 long years. The second half of the season will be exciting to watch and I will remain faithful win.....or that other thing....(I don't want to even write the word out of risking letting loose bad ju-ju).

Enjoy these dog-days of summer and keep paying attention, there are lots of things to talk about!