Saturday, May 5, 2012


There is something about spring --- in a word, the

season is glorious. Every day I notice something else in bloom, another purple flower, a deep red bud, how full the trees are becoming, how green and rich and lush.

Spring is a sensory explosion and, sinuses be damned, the smells of the blooms and the gentle breezes make it all worth it!

Spring is designed to get us outside and to pay attention. In the rush of everything coming to life and at times so quickly, the season slows us down and demands that we observe and pay attention. It is this action that will lead to new life stirring in us as well; quiet times and awareness lead to spiritual awakenings.

We’ve all been asked, “What’s your favorite season?” Though I’ve always been a fan of fall, I can honestly say I celebrate each and every one. Having four distinct seasons is one of the blessings of living in this part of the country. The quiet and starkness of winter; the color and energy of spring; the heat and brightness of summer; the drawing in and changes of autumn --- each are gifts to be noticed and appreciated and experienced.

If you really want to make note of the seasons, pay attention to the trees. In a previous post, I mentioned going outside and spending time with a tree. A reader responded by asking how exactly does one do that? Simple: Go outside and sit underneath a tree, lean against the trunk, look up into the light coming through the leaves, watch, listen, learn the importance of being grounded and able to move with the wind.

Spring truly is glorious…..


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