Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Alphabet of Summer: Part 1

Today's post is part one of a longer post. Were I to do all 26 letters in one blog it would go on infinitum; also I want to give you, dear reader, a chance to try your hand at this easy exercise.

Here is the first part of my "Alphabet of Summer" which are images, moments, experiences that I associate with this glorious season.

A = Allegheny River. If you are from these parts there is a very good chance you grew up near some river. Hailing from Freeport, our river of choice is the Allegheny. As a kid, the huge Beale Family Reunion was always held at St. George, the home of my Aunt Ruth and Uncle Chuck that was on the shores of the Allegheny in Kennerdale, PA. After feasting and frisbee, everyone would cross the railroad tracks and go to the river. There was a hierachy of where one was stationed in the river. Adults went water-skiing; teens and adults not wanting to be "board" dove off the deck and swam there. Older children swam in chest-high water on the sides of the deck. Young children and toddlers wallowed in the mud on the shore of the river.

B = Baseball. This wonderful game is synonymous with summer; men who play are known as the "boys of summer." From my days as a T-Bird playing Little League to going to my nephew's games, to many summer days and nights spent at Three Rivers and PNC Park watching our Buccos, summer is all the more wonderful because it's baseball season.

C = Campfire
. Growing up, our family vacations were spent camping out along the shores of the Tionesta River and I'm talking serious camping out. There was no trailer, no water hook-up, no rec center...nope... the Snyder clan walked in over 1 mile into the woods carrying our gear for the week -- including food, tents, cooking utensils, sleeping bag, clothes, etc. There we made camp at the foot of, to the eyes of a child, a huge rock under which flowed a crystal clear and cold mountain stream. Maybe it was his Marine background, yet, my father made certain each family member had a specific job. Mine was to bury the cans of pop and items that needed to stay cool into the pale, soft sand at the bottom of the cool mountain stream. I also assisted in helping to build the fire pit which was the centerpiece of the campsite. Evenings we gathered around the campfire together as a family. I would like to tell you we sang songs, yet, my clan is not blessed with the gift of music. Instead, we shared in our gifts of story and laughter.

D = Del's Ice Cream Stand. A couple of miles from the home of my upbringing is a delightful frozen custard stand called Del's. Going there on a summer evening is a constant for members of our family. Their black raspberry ice cream is a local treasure.

.......now dear reader, what are the first letters of your Summer Alphabet?


1 comment:

  1. Great fun. Okay, here are mine:
    A=Air conditioning!
    C=Corn on the cob
    D=Diving in a favorite pool or Deck time;can't decide!

    Thanks for giving me something fun to think about!
