Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Listen Up

For my Benedictine friends today is the Feast of St. Benedict. Having been an oblate with the Bennies (and needing to re-commit) in our study group we read the "Rule of Benedict," a rule on how to be in community that has existed for centuries. The Rule is as relevant now as it was when it first appeared; the goal is to spend the year reading the Rule --- it really is good stuff and I do recommend it most highly. If you want to give it a go you can buy a copy of the book "A Spirituality for the 21st Century: The Rule of Benedict" by Joan Chittister, OSB. I have and use this version and along with a daily reading there is also commentary and insight from Sister Joan.

The first word in the Rule is "Listen." What a perfect word with which to begin a Rule on living well. Listen. Listen with the "ear of your heart" to your own self; listen to the world; listen to one another; listen to creation.

Remember as children in school when the teacher would have everyone sit quiet for a couple of minutes and then ask the class what they heard?

Today, I heard:
* Birdsong
* Laughter
* Good conversation on movies
* A dentist's polishing tool
* The shuffle of runners' feet on the trail
* A little leaguer announcing "I got something brewing" and then letting out a big belch -- after that display I believe he is the team's home run hitter
* Silence

Of course, my and your list could go on at length. I still think sitting quietly and noting what one hears is good practice ---- especially when one hears what is happening inside one's self.



1 comment:

  1. A good reminder to stop and listen. And smell the roses, of which I was reminded yesterday. Good post.

    Thank you!
