Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Got Soap???

The one word that could never be used to describe me would be "prude." My language is also not that of "traditional" clergy speak....although, I do contend that the band of fishermen disciples were probably quite salty and coarse in their language.

Although an occasional curse word may cross my lips and the frequency does increase when at Pittsburgh sporting events, I rarely, if at all, drop the "F Bomb." Yet, I should be wearing a language flack jacket walking around the streets of Pittsburgh. Does anyone know, consider, or use another adjective or verb? Honestly, it seems that is all I hear and I hear it from men and women, children and adults, in anger and in jest. And, the word is a nasty, cutting, harsh word with all those hard consonants it just sounds ugly. This "F Bomb" explosion has worn me thin and I am to the point of asking the offending cusser if she or he knows any other words? Can they try and be creative in their verbal expression and try something different? Or, can they just go with "frig" or "friggin?"

My mother never swore...ever....never....never....nope. In fact, any time a cuss word was uttered one was greeted with "You know better than that." Truth is, I did and I do. Truth is, once you start the swearing it quickly becomes habit.

Following Biblcal counsel before putting the cake of soap in another's mouth, I first need to scrub my own tongue. I know and can do better. Maybe getting my own language in line will rub off on others.....if that happens the next item on my "peeved list" is does anyone use a turn signal anymore????


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