Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Olympic Moments

As a kid, I remeber Bruce Jenner winning the decathalon and running around the track with the US flag; I recall being astounded wathcing Nadia Comaneci, the big-eyed, pixie, Romanian gymnast receive the elusive perfect score of 10. So many athletes and their accomplishments still stir the spirit --- Mary Lou, Edwin, Flo, Dara, Janet, Michael, Bart and Mitch and Peter, Jackie and Greg. Like many folks, and I've been told women in particular, the Summer Olympics are just great theater and the best of sport.

As we near the end of the first week of "The Games," some reflections:

10. I enjoyed the Opening Ceremony and how quirky it was --- the battalion of Mary Poppins flying in for the rescue was classic. Three Cheers for my homeland and for adding some levity and humor!

9. How they lit the Olympic torch was very impressive with the individual copper pieces lighting and then forming the Olympic flame. The glaring ooops, however, is that I always thought the Olympic flame was to be the centerpiece and visible by all through the duration of the games. Where the frig is it???

8. Watching the parents of the athletes gives a great perspective and is good drama.

7. I could wath Misty May-Traynor and Kerri Walsh-Jennings play beach volleyball all day.

6. OK, he has the record as the most decorated Olympian, yet, Michael Phelps has lost his appeal. Can we please interview anybody else......

5. How do the gymnasts get their bodies to twist, twirl, tuck, turn, and tumble that way? A great team effort for the US Women!

4. Loving the US Women's Volleyball team and local girl, Carla Harmotto from Hopewell and PSU playing well.

3. After watching their video take on "Call Me Maybe," how can you not be pulling for the US Swim Team???

2. Has there ever been that many disciplined, attractive, athletic, talented young people assembled in one place??!!? Oh, yeah, every four years at the Olympics.

1. A few months after the games, Missy Franklin will be smiling on the front of a Wheaties box. Can she be more wholesome and adorable?


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