Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The choice is yours

Today, 30 October, is the birthday of our second president, John Adams. It was Adams who spoke loudly and persistently on behalf of the American colonies without representation having to pay taxes to England. It was Adams who chose Thomas Jefferson to be the one to write the Declaration of Independence.

Remember the first TOY STORY movie and the little aliens in the arcade exclaiming, “You’ve been chosen” as the claw approached taking up one of the plastic toys? There is a certain respect and honor given to those who are chosen.

Playing sports, there were pats-on-the-back and “you-can-do-it” confidence builders to the teammate chosen to pinch hit with runners on base and the team behind in the late innings.

Being chosen was an affirmation of your talents. Remember in elementary school and choosing the kid who could draw to work on the bulletin board? “You do it, Mike! You’re the best artist!” That encouragement helped Mike to claim his artistic talent and present his first public art display.

No matter how old, there is still a rush and reaffirmation when one is chosen from the group to do something important. I’ve been chosen to write the letter, to design the liturgy, to speak at the rally. Proud? You bet. Wanting to deliver? Absolutely.

To what have you been chosen? What have you been selected to do? Who chose you? Did they see something in you that you knew was there? Did your being chosen help you to find it?

Whom have you chosen and in your selecting affirmed?

We all like to be picked first, to be asked to step-up, to be chosen for an opportunity to be the hero.

Choose wisely.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! You've been chosen to blog and I've been chosen to read it. I like it. I feel inspired. I like the reminder that as individuals, we have a chance to affirm others, whether it's when they make a bulletin board or something else. I must be intentional about claiming the things I can do, AND, helping others on their path. Wonderuful thoughts. Thanks. But I may like the image the best!!! And the historical perspective is terrific.
