Tuesday, August 21, 2012

"Dear Heart"

In case you may have forgotten, words matter. Move past that ridiculous and violent rhyme of childhood that referenced the obvious pain inflicted by sticks and stones and the falsehood that words would never hurt.

How we refer to someone has impact. This past weekend, I made a run to the "Strip" to purchase some cheese at Penn Mac. There is one cheese server who I hope will wait on me everytime I order my Welsh Cheddar! She is a legend at the Penn Mac cheese counter! What makes her a classic is she calls everyone, "Dear heart." From when she yells your number, it's "dear heart;" after each cheese order its "anything else, dear heart?" It's enough to make me order five different kinds of cheese just to be called "Dear Heart" over and over!

A kind word, a simple gesture that acknowledges the personhood of another is a gift. When I was living in DC and commuting daily on the METRO, I played a game to see how many stressed, hurried, and self-indulged fellow travelers I could get to smile. I would make eye contact and give a little grin. My average was I could usually get 8 out of 10 folks to smile back. Felt good.

What about you? How do you share a little light to brighten the day of another?

Truth is we all need that smile, that human connection, that acknowledgement that someone sees us. Remember in the film, AVATAR, the expression of love was evidenced in the phrase, "I see you." Indeed.


1 comment:

  1. Very nice. Lots to think about and I like it! "Dear Heart," Pittsburgh legend, makes us ALL want to buy cheese! And the game on the Metro sounds like great fun. Good for you.
