Monday, November 5, 2012

Why I Vote

Once again we are at another "biggest election of our lifetime." While I do believe this one may indeed determine the direction we take as a nation, be it
a primary or a general, the most important thing is that you vote.

Why do you vote?

Me? I vote because it was what I learned and saw practiced in my family. My maternal grandmother was married and raising a family before women had the right to vote in this country. I watched my parents and older siblings vote in each election. I accompanied my mother and sister to go vote. It was what one did on election day ---- you voted. Then, you watched the results and discussed what happened. Truly --- all politics are local...try kitchen table local.

For my oldest nephew, this will be the first time he will vote for a candidate for the presidency. I talked with him yesterday and this is a big deal for him and he does want to choose wisely. It is and he will.

I remember the first time I was old enough to vote happened to be the year of a presidential election. It was quite a rush to cast my first vote for president. The year was 1984 and I voted for the Mondale/Ferraro ticket. It was the whole having a woman on the ticket appeal. In case you've forgotten your history, Mondale won only one state that election. Considering that, I'm pretty sure he was thankful for my vote.

I vote because it has only been 92 years since women were given the right to vote in this country and the fantastic film, IRON-JAWED ANGELS reminds me of the commitment, the labor, the struggle, the jails, the force-feedings, the sacrifice women made to give me that right. For Alice Paul and Lucy Burns I vote.

I vote because it's a right we must not take for granted. Remember the Iragui
women proudly displaying their purple-inked stained fingers? Voting is how we do democracy. It is always disappointing when having 60% of the electorate vote is considered a good turn-out....sigh...

Before you head to the polls, answer the question of why.



  1. Good reminder! This is a big day. I can't imagine women and people of color before them who were just not allowed to vote. What an honor it is for us today. I say "Yeah" for those people who are standing in line in the cold today. Go get 'em.

  2. Good idea on the movie comments! Argo: terrific! No other way to say it. Great idea. Great movie.
