Saturday, October 19, 2013

Buddha and The Duck

Did the title get your attention?

Today, Sunday, 20 October, the giant Rubber Duck goes away…’s amazing, yet, for those of us who have visited the Duck it is understandable that persons lobbied and petitioned to keep the duck inflated and harbored to the shore near the Point.

They estimate that over 1 Million persons visited the Duck. Having spent time with the Duck I can understand why. The giant Rubber Duck reconnected folks to their childhood and was simply and wonderfully fun. Folks gathered because the energy surrounding the Duck was joyful, playful, positive and a blast!

I know! Who knew a giant, rubber duck could have that effect but he did! Folks of all ages took their photo with him, posed, positioned and preened next to a big, yellow, friendly fowl!

Now, as per the agreement, the Duck will leave the shore, be deflated (as will the spirits of many Pittsburghers) and be stored away leaving us to hopefully await his return.

The Duck taught us lessons ---to find joy in the simple things; deep happiness is sharing a whimsical moment with friends; and nothing is permanent. I’ve always been amazed at the Buddhist monks who spend days meticulously crafting a beautiful mandela only upon its completion to destroy it and sweep away the sand and the image and the hours and the work. It is a lesson that nothing lasts and to be in the moment, to trust, to be present to where your feet are at the present time.

If you’ve not already done so and to fill the space with the absence of the Duck, go see the film, GRAVITY and do so in 3D for an incredible movie-going experience. It is not difficult to get the message of this very spiritual film. My favorite scene, that puts a semi-colon on the picture, is the closing scene ---- watch the film and pay attention to the last words of the movie….another lesson in how to live.



  1. Long Live the Duck! Quack. I miss her already. I will never "get" why we were so moved by the duck, but we loved her so. It's like she spoke to us...or said more by not opening her bill at all. I guess Kansas was right.... All we are is Dust in the Wind. I like your analogy of the monks and the mandela. I will catch Gravity as you suggest and I will work on "blooming where I am planted!" Thank you for what you write. Great thoughts. Great job.

  2. Thanks, Blog Fan! I liked the reference to "Kansas" and their hit song...
