Saturday, October 5, 2013

Random thoughts on things

Every once in a while when I want to get back into a rhythm and order of writing the blog, I do a post that is part reflection, part rambling on things. This is such a post ---

How big of a genius was Myron Cope with the invention of the “Terrible Towel?” Every baseball team currently in the playoffs has fans waving some kind of towel. It’s a bit disconcerting to watch fans of the Oakland A’s wave gold towels ….looks too much like the one-and-only original towel talisman.

Can our democratic experiment be more broken? Everyone is concerned about making sure to be re-elected and caters to their respective political base instead of the shared common good of the nation.

Did you ever think the annoying kid on the playground who if she or he didn’t get his way would threaten to take her or his ball and go home would one day end up a member of congress?

Is anyone else longing for sweatshirt weather? Enough of the 80 degrees and humidity --- we are in the season of fall and should be preparing for the first frost not running the air conditioning

It’s been a long time coming, yet, how cool is it that local hospitals are dressing new-born babies in Pirates sleepers and wrapping “pirate style” a red bandana on the babes’ heads? They call them “Bucco Babies!”

The best word I’ve heard to describe the giant, 40-foot rubber ducky docked near the Point is “whimsical.” Perfect.

When you have your team in the hunt, how intense and nerve-wracking is playoff baseball? I agonize on every pitch.

How about Pope Francis? Humble. Active-concern and justice for persons who are poor. Asking us to put compassion and understanding first and foremost before judgement.

Not for anything, yet, I have learned how to make one darn good meatloaf! My culinary expertise is expanding beyond something one can microwave and a sandwich.

Society would be so much better off if we made gathering at table with others a daily practice.

There’s my ten ramblings. What are you thinking about?


1 comment:

  1. I like the black banners at the Bucco's games. Very cool. I am okay with the temps. Fall baseball is unbelievable. Hot temps seem to match sizzling baseball!!!
