Thursday, March 20, 2014


Could it be that we have been sprung from the long winter of our discontent? On this the first full day of Spring, I do feel released.

Amazing fact: the Farmer’s Almanac, to which my grandmother referred, referenced and trusted was spot-on accurate about this winter!

At the risk of admitting that a certain softness has crept in --- I must confess that in comparison of the winters experienced in my youth this one wasn’t so bad. Confession number two --- I enjoyed this winter until about mid-February….then I had enough.

Spring is a glorious season! There is something about a long winter that makes spring even sweeter. This morning I made it a point to take note of some little flowers that have bloomed and touched the furry bulb on a magnolia tree --- I needed a few tangible reminders as the snow swirled….sigh…

My favorite quote about spring comes from Anne Lamott who writes, “Spring is when God tarts it up.” Go ahead and make note of and celebrate this season of show-off-ish-ness. Take note of the blooms and the breezes and the birthing. Make time to take in the vibrant colors and the growing greenness.

Whatever the season, we are compelled to live with the intention to notice and to be thankful. Spring with its flowers and colors and life bursting out all over makes it easy to do; the challenge is to do so when God is not so flashy in appearance and when the colors fade and the blooms fall to the ground.

On this start of spring here’s a challenge for each of us --- every day take five minutes and look out that familiar window, on that known street and find something whose beauty makes you pause. Tell someone about it.

Happy Spring!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the reminder of how the ordinary really is quite extraordinary if we just take the time to notice. Not much warms the heart quite like the appearance of the tiny flower bud in the depths of the short days of winter and the cold temperatures. I was tired of winter long before mid-February. And darn that Farmer's Almanac. Thank you for the reminder. I will spend some time today with the ordinary. And the extraordinary.
