Friday, December 7, 2012

Everybody's singing...

For all the holiday music coming from every radio, ipod, and store, to all the cantatas and Christmas concerts, we have to the thank the gospel writer, Luke.

In the first two chapters of Luke's gospel everyone is always singing! Mary sings. Zechariah sings. The angels sing. It's like a broadway musical!

And, what would this season be without the familiar Christmas music --- does every artist feel the need to make a Christmas album?!!? As we gather in worship we look forward to singing the favorite Christmas carols and can't understand why the pastor won't let us sing any until, if we're lucky, the Sunday before Christmas! (Moment of full disclosure: I'm one of those pastors).

Go to any grocery, department, or toy store and you'll hear the same seasonal selections. Do you have a favorite? I'm partial to "Do They Know It's Christmas Over There?" and Eartha Kitt's version of "Santa Baby."

If we're talking carols, my favorite is "O, Come All Ye Faithful" and a great singer doing "O, Holy Night" always gets me misty-eyed. And, you?

Of course, the songs are so familiar and the season so special, we non-professionals love to lift our voices in song and go caroling. I remember walking around Freeport and caroling with a group from the congregation and then returning to the church for hot chocolate and Christmas cookies. When the kids in the neighborhood went caroling to collect donations for Children's Hospital, I joined in.

Yes, I loved going caroling even though there is nothing the least bit musical about me. I like to say that I do harmony really well because harmony is any note your neighbor isn't singing and, trust me, there is no way anyone beside me, behind me, or below me is singing anything reasonably close to the notes I'm bellowing out!

Yet, still I sing. We all sing along to our Christmas albums, in worship and to the radio. Why? Because this is a season made for song and celebration and joy. Therefore, whoever you are and wherever you find yourself --- sing! Sing loudly and sing joyously! Just sing!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder about the importance of song! Song can be so uplifing. I have to say my favorite for this time of year is "Do you hear what I hear?" But then there is Snoopy and the Red Baron. So hard to choose. I will try to remember then, to sing loudly and joyously. Thanks for the reminder!
