Sunday, November 28, 2021

Light it up


The last couple of days have brought a bit of a weather warm up....not balmy, yet, enough to be able to be comfortably outside to decorate for the holidays.  A drive through the neighborhood last evening revealed several houses now fully lit. One particular residence evidently purchased mulitple strands of red, green, blue and purple lights and then strung them around trees, on the porch, around every available railing, up on the roof and for that needed extra touch lined them on the ground (!).  True, it was a Griswold-ian effort -- yet, it did look good and left me thankful they do not live right next door...yowzers!

Advent is the church season when we most look upward and outward; may we also in all the silent nights look inward.  A favorite line found in the Benedictine Sisters daily liturgy is "and in Your light, we see light."  It speaks of our incarnate-ed-ness, the Divine spark dwells within each of us and in our being present and showing up we bring the light.

If you have a toddler on your gift list, I suggest a flash light. Kids are as fascinated by lights as they are also intrigued by darkness. A flashlight provides the great opportunity to bring light into the darkness and watch all the cool stuff that happens --- the shadows, the reflections, the patterns. A kid with a flashlight will shine it all the time and everywhere.  Kids anticipate nightfall so they can break out their flashlight; no need to flick the lightswitch the kid is armed with their trusty flashlight and enjoy being needed to bring the light. 

I believe we each are needed to bring the light. We too should enjoy it.  When you have a flashlight and good batteries you want to be outside in the nighttime; the darker the night, the deeper the woods, the better!  Get out there!  You got a working flashlight!

When times are the darkest is when we need the brightest of lights. Shine! Light it up!

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