I saw the latest "wow" effort of Meryl Streep, her film, THE IRON LADY. It was not my interest in Margaret Thatcher that drew me to the movie. Indeed, it was the acting talent of the best actor of our age, the amazing Meryl Streep, that had this film as a "must see."
As with any gifted storyteller, the movie entertained as well as educated. I learned more about Margaret Thatcher and what was happening in England in the late 70's and 80's. I was a bit surprised to hear the familiar refrains of the conservative political ideology that remain echoed in today's political debate and run for the White House. Most of all it made me think about strength and vulnerability, that even iron has a melting point.
It is with deep pride that I name and claim my blue-collar background that is so prevalent in those of us born and bred in southwestern PA. With a slight twist on Sissy Spacek's Oscar-winning movie depicting the life country singer, Loretta Lynn --- I am a steel worker's daughter.
In this region, we are taught to work hard and play hard. Steelers football will always be about toughness and a staunch defense. And, that's as it should be and how we like it! On a sidebar, in a survey of NFL players asking them "which team's fans are the toughest to play in front of?" the fans of the Pittsburgh Steelers finished second. I love that! In case your wondering, a mere three percentage points ahead of us and in first place were the Philadelphia Eagles fans....then, again, these people boo Santa....they are more maniacal then fanatical.
Because of the strong and competitive way we play anything here...baseball, t-ball, flag football, checkers, jacks, kickball, freeze tag etc.....we learn there is no crying in any of it and to suck it up and play!
Therefore, it has been a difficult lesson to learn and one I am still in the process of learning, that vulnerability is also strength.
I come from northern isle stock and open emotions are not prevalent among my people. We learn from infancy to keep that "stiff upper lip." Yet, tears are healing and good. It is a gift to be able to feel comfortable enough with another to cry in front of them. There is more strength in being honest about one's hurt then there is in covering up to look all put together and tough.
In all things, be real and work on claiming one's vulnerability. May we each have a safe place and trusted persons where we can risk our vulnerability and let the tears fall freely.