Yowzers and double yowzers!
There has been a significant slog to the blog.......goodness!
My apologies blog fans it is as true a witness to my being out of balance as is my cluttered desk and lengthy need-to-do-list.
All I can do is admit...amend....begin again.
Growing up, one of our frequent family past times was to hike in the woods and often we would fill a pack-basket and cook out --- this was my father's version of taking the family out to dinner. I loved those times of being outdoors and romping through the woods. I wasn't big on the whole tree climbing enterprise, instead I preferred the balancing act of log-walking which was made even more enticing when the log was leaning off of the ground a few feet. Even today, when I spot a log I feel compelled to test my balance by walking across it.
Getting and maintaining life balance is a far more challenging effort and it is greatly needed. Personally, I most easily get out of balance in terms of work. I am fortunate that I carry a passion to what I do and really enjoy working with and advocating with and building with persons too often on the margins; give me a justice issue and I am good to go. Unfortunately, without proper balance, the to-do list gets longer and unmanageable and I become frustrated and too critical. Not good for anyone involved.
Like walking on that log, I need to set clear, reachable goals; I need to breathe and take time to center myself, and, most importantly, I need to be where my feet are.
With this blog, I like to say I'm back from the land of the lengthy to-do lists and long work days. Better than saying it, however, I want to show it by living a more balanced, whole life. May each of us and may we help, support, and journey one another along the way. You'll know how I'm doing by the daily blog.