Clearly, it's been a bit of a week. Every so often in the blog when there is lots on my mind, I will spend a few lines to rant and to ramble. This is one of these occasions.
The closing chapter in the life of Joe Paterno is a sad ending to a good man who, as he admitted, should have done more. The outpouring of support and shared grief in Happy Valley is a powerful witness to the coach everyone knew as Joe. A job well done to whomever came up with the idea to have a player from each of the 46 Penn State football teams Paterno coached take turns standing at the casket during the public viewing. It will be interesting to watch how the university chooses to remember.
Every time I watch Newt Gingrich (and with a Republican debate every other day there are lots of opportunities) I become enraged at his incredible ego and unlimited arrogance. I long for the day when someone...anyone...somebody please... takes on Newt in his self-proclaimed,
"I'm the smartest guy in the room" schtick. Truth be told, I want to see an ol' fashioned butt-kicking....for me the "Newt-er" is a combination of the New York Yankees and Dallas Cowboys --- folks who think they are all that and a whole deli! Lastly, can someone explain to me the criterion used by the southern evangelicals to vote for a candidate???
Will we ever have two consecutive weeks of winter weather? You know... snow... temperatures in the teens and twenties.....What's the big deal about Groundhog Day --- he'll probably come out of the stump holding a drink with an umbrella in it signifying that a warm winter leads to a rainy, cold summer...
As always, I was excited over the announcement of the nominees for the Academy Awards. Do check my TOP TEN MOVIES list and compare. Both the best actor and best actress categories are strong with deserving performances and folks who one just roots for to bring home the little golden man. I admit I did not see the movie, BRIDESMAIDS. The teaser that it was the female version of THE HANGOVER made it a big no for me and my movie tastes. I like Melissa McCarthy and find her refreshing and delightful in being beautifully who she is; yet, to receive a best supporting actress nod for what she did in a drysink is difficult for me to support.
Although I always said Brad Pitt looked like he was "carved out of cream cheese" and was full of as much fluff, he is really starting to grow on me. Very classy when being interviewed for his own Oscar nomination, Brad first expressed how happy he was that his MONEYBALL co-star, Jonah Hill, was nominated. Nicely done.
Is there anyone in all of Steelers Nation who is not pulling for the Giants in the Super Bowl?