Recalling my high school and college days when reading the book was required, I view F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel as an insight into American society and our abundance of things and stuff and possessions, yet, being interiorly so shallow and empty.
We Americans have a lot of crap; so much so, that storage centers are a big business. I am as guilty as anyone with my mini-library of books, dvds, and Pittsburgh sports teams shirts, hats, and jerseys. I know I am part of this when going out-of-town requires far too much baggage and I rarely travel light.
We often used to joke that my mother maintained her child-of-the-depression outlook. She saved and re-used even the styrofoam cups from restaurants, she washed and re-used aluminum foil, and worked culinary wonders with leftovers.
She taught us the lesson of living simply and in doing so living wonderfully. By example, she showed us and we learned well the gift of quiet evenings spent on the front porch just being and talking; how important it is to gather at table and stay at table long after the meal’s conclusion; to take care of things so they last; and the treasures found in flowers, gardens, and the gifts of the outdoors.
I for one need to learn and live these lessons for I have sputtered in my clutter.