It is no coincidence that the three major world religions of the Abrahamic line have light as a central image of their faith. Think about it, in the Christian tradition, one of the earliest songs we learn as children is that "oldie but a goodie," THIS LITTLE LIGHT OF MINE, I'M GONNA' LET IT SHINE...(for those of you reading this, recalling the song, and doing the accompanying choreography you get bonus points) Nor, is it surprising that the beginning and ending of worship has the acolytes bringing the light into the sanctuary and at the conclusion of worship leading the congregation out with the light.
This Sunday's lectionary passage is always the same on this the worship service before the beginning of the season of Lent. It's Transfiguration Sunday and persons will hear the story of Jesus taking Peter, James, and John with him to a mountaintop where Jesus becomes transfigured and transluscent, bathed in light. For the rest of the story go to Mark 9.2-9.
Even though Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house, the fact that Alaska and the section above the Arctic Circle has months without sunlight makes this a no-go for me. I like light. During the work week, I awake while it is still dark and one of my favorite times is watching how softly, quietly, and unassumingly dawn breaks out. Perhaps one of my favorite sights is sunlight on water.
As we too go about our "light work" of living our faith, I think we are called to reflect (pun intended) on the light efforts of creation. Mostly, we too are to be steady and constant and unassuming. There definitely are times when we must be bold and bright like the summer sun. And, we know that the light which shines during the storms brings us the rainbow and the reminder of the Divine Presence abiding still and always.
Referencing an earlier post, yes, the BASE CAMP has begun. What say you?
Are you "one whould rather light one candle than curse the darkness?"