In a little over an hour-and-a-half the 84th Academy Awards will begin! I am one who very much looks forward to the Oscars every year and I watch it from beginning to end. So, before Billy Crystal begins his opening monologue, here are my picks on who I think
will win and who I think
should win.
BEST ACTOR: Will win: Jean Dujardin, THE ARTIST -- Liked him and that raised eyebrow. Plus he was told he was not handsome enough to be in movies (!) If SJ Voted: Brad Pitt, MONEYBALL --- I have never been a big Brad Pitt fan, yet, this by far is my favorite role played by him and without him, in so many ways, this film does not happen.
BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR: Will win: Christopher Plummer, BEGINNERS --- It's a near lock, someone who has been in film for decades without taking home the statue --- Come on! He was Colonel Von Trapp! If SJ Voted: I would go with Christopher Plummer and give a huge shout out to Max von Sydow and his role in EXTREMELY LOUD AND IMPOSSIBLY CLOSE ---
BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Will win: Octavia Spencer, THE HELP --- She's swept almost every award this season and her portrayal of Minnie, in my opinion, makes the film. If SJ Voted: I would have nominated Bryce Howard from THE HELP -- as the character of Hilly you watch her and just despise her every word, look, threat, lie, and deceitful action; also, at the conclusion of the film her response when confronted by Abilene is amazing!
BEST MOVIE: Will win: THE ARTIST -- I enjoyed the film and it's a relatively low-budget movie with basically unknown stars (exception being John Goodman) and in an era of computer generated everything and loud explosions, this throwback to the silent film era is endearing. If SJ Voted: I thought THE DESCENDANTS was excellent with a great story that was well-written. And, although a lot of people said it should not even have been nominated, EXTREMELY LOUD AND INCREDIBLY CLOSE was the film that moved me the most of the nine nominated.
BEST ACTRESS: I intentionally saved this one for last because it is the toughest to pick. I love Meryl Streep; she is the great actress of our time. If they made a movie with Meryl doing nothing but reading the phonebook,I would go see it. In classic Meryl fashion, she completely became Margaret Thatcher and had a range of playing the young member of Parliament to being the "Iron Lady" to an elderly woman in the early stages of dementia. She has also been nominated more than anyone and, although I love Sandra Bullock, I think Meryl should have won for her portrayal of Julia Child in the film, JULIE AND JULIA.
All that said, then there is Viola Davis and her role in THE HELP. Viola is a personal favorite and I was pulling for her when she was nominated for Best Supporting Actress for her role in DOUBT. Because it had been awhile since I saw THE HELP, this weekend I rented it to watch Viola's performance and make my decision (I don't play around when it comes to the Oscars). Viola, as always, is great in her role of Abilene and I love her fiery concluding scene and can quote it verbatim if you like. Yet, I think she is part of a great ensemble of actresses in this film that together make a worthwhile movie.
Next, let us not forget Glenn Close and her incredible performance in ALBERT NOBBS. It's a fact that Oscar loves when an actress completely disguises herself for a role and Glenn playing a woman who is playing a man is that.
So......Who will win: MERYL STREEP --- if SJ Voted: MERYL STREEP ----
Along with seeing who takes home the golden man, it's also a kick to determine who one feels was best dressed and who wins the award for "What was she thinking??" Also, make note on who gives the best acceptance speech.
The show is about to start! Aren't movies wonderful???