In the role of local church pastor, I’ve had my fair share to be a guest at meals that…..how to say it….may not have included my favorite or appealing culinary fare.
Prior to starting seminary, I was selected to participate in the annual conference’s summer intern program. It was a wonderful experience and an opportunity to get to know and be in ministry with a wonderful congregation and a very supportive pastor. To provide the members of the congregation an opportunity to meet the “summer intern” (that would be me) the local committee set up a program where each day I had lunch and dinner at a different parishioner’s home.
This was a fantastic plan and, believe me, I ate very well. The delightful woman who arranged my dining schedule made it a point to choose some of the best cooks the congregation had to offer. However…..
There was the time I had dinner at a home where the woman of the house welcomed me in, told me to sit on the stool at the countertop, threw out a can of baked beans, a loaf of white bread, a Tupperware container of sauerkraut, and a can of chicken. I know….YUM! She said, “Help yourself. I have to get ready for a meeting so feel free to stay as long as you want and just close the door behind you when you leave.” I know….with fine cuisine like this, who’d want to leave? I thanked her and stared at the spread provided and thought I hope she leaves quickly so I can get to the local “Dairy Barn” Ice Cream stand. She did. I did.
I share this story in light of the latest Mitt Romney miss-speak. Folks like to call President Obama the “teleprompter president,” yet, let’s be honest, whenever Mitt is off script his press agent reaches for the Xanax.
I write in honor of all the wonderful bakeries that are part of Pittsburgh and the surrounding area. I’ve been to the “Bethel Bakery” and it is a delight! They were the local bakery who began the chocolate-iced chocolate cakes shaped to look (no, Governor, not taste) like hockey pucks.
Now, even in the likelihood that the cookies provided at the event yesterday were from “Al’s Beer and Fireworks Outlet,” Mr. Mitt should know to take a bite of the cookie, express, “Mmmmmm…” and then smile for a fulfilled photo-op.
I don’t know about you, yet, as a child I was taught to say, “Please” and “Thank You” and to “mind my manners” ---- a great phrase as most of good manners comes from using your head.