This morning going out to get the daily paper, I stopped because I was drawn to the amazing smell of flowers in bloom. I stopped, smelled, and smiled. I noticed the new green leaves appearing on the tree branches and the seed pods waiting for just a bit more sunshine to open their green shoots. I never noticed that before and it was an early day “Wow!” I stayed awhile longer and listened to the bird song and smiled as I recalled the cardinal’s song which, appropriately enough, sounds like “pretty…pretty…pretty….”
All this probably lasted five minutes. It was a gift to start the day more aware, more centered, more in touch.
I had breakfast with the mothers of two toddlers. As soon as I write or say “toddlers” it brings an instant smile. Of course they shared how much fun they were having with their sons and I remarked how incredible it must be now that spring is here and the weather is nice and they can spend great quality time with their sons outside.
Being around a toddler is a gift to re-mind us to slow down, look closely, and be wow-ed by all that surrounds. For anyone who has walked with a toddler, one knows speed, travel efficiency, and getting to one’s destination quickly is abandoned --- and that’s a good thing for us and our packed schedules, unwieldy to-do lists, and eyes focused on our Blackberrys, i-pads, and mobile phones.
In part due to their size, toddlers notice the things we quickly walk past, step over, and simply don’t see. A dandelion is a source of endless fascination; a stone a new toy to throw; and a crack in the sidewalk an opening to another world that must be explored infinitum.
If I have a theme song for my recent living it would have to be “slow down you move to fast, got to make the moment last…..”
If I have a way to make my life fuller it is to observe more and talk less.
If I have a way to make my smile brighter it is to listen to all I have been missing, a good tune (am loving Adele’s music!); bird song; the laughter of children playing in the neighborhood; a good story…..
Stop. Look. Listen is still some of the best advice ever given and it applies not only to railroad crossings, yet, even more to life crossings.
Let me know how goes it for you….