Friday, December 31, 2021

Break out the broom!

I'm not sure where I came upon the tradition, yet, for the last 20 years I've made certain on New Years Eve when the clock turns to midnight to grab a broom and sweep out the old year.  The action of working the metaphor by actually opening the front door and sweeping out the old ... off the porch, onto the sidewalk and past the

Prior to horn blowing, shotguns (I know where I'm from), toasts and smooches, take a moment to go through the year 2021 month by month asking what were the moments that provided you the most joy? What were the moments that were painful and why? What lessons were learned and who taught them to you and how are you living those lessons?

You may be rolling your eyes at this exercise wondering who has the time for such an introspection.  Find the time. Make the time. 

I have done this exercise and will do so again today. It is a good way to reflect on the year just journeyed; to assess what to learn from and then put away and even more importantly what to glean and grow moving ever onward.

“For last year's words belong to last year's language and next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning." 

~ T.S. Eliot