A few weeks ago I visited the Warhol Museum to see the "Superheroes and Villains" exhibit --- very cool and most entertaining.
One of my favorite, and to me, little known superheroes was PLASTICMAN. As the name reveals, his superpower is to be able to stretch and contort and reach himself into a variety of unimaginable places. Sure, that's a cool thing, yet, for me what made him an instant personal favorite was that he was a superhero with a sense of humor and a care-free attitude. Too me that is the best reason for PLASTICMAN to be a member of the Justice League. Perfect.
Any athlete in training being coached by a quality person will be stretched and ask to push through and past what one may have thought as insurmountable previously.
A good mentor is one who takes you outside your comfort zone and places you in situations that on your own you would avoid, yet, trusts and encourages you to try and to do.
A life well-lived is a life that opens, extends, and stretches.
A life well-lived is a life that is always learning and always taking those leaps wherein, as Anne Lamott states, "you will either be taught how to fly or you will land on solid ground."
This new year is still new. Each breaking dawn is a break given to try anew. What is it you really want to do? What is it you dream about doing? What fears have you in a vise grip? With what have you grown complacent and stagnant?
I could blog about each of those inquiries and though the word "you" was used, trust me, dear reader, I am so with you on each of those.
Together, let us claim our power to open to new possibilities; to bend into the wind of a new beginning; and to stretch into what can be if we dream and dare. And, like PLASTICMAN, may we laugh along the way and be of good humor and strong of spirit.
Let's enter the game....and, before we do, let us stretch.