Today, 11 January, is the birthday of the suffragette, Alice Paul. I confess I was well into adulthood before I had heard of her and the work she and Lucy Burns did to carry women getting the right to vote across the finish line.
Along with women across the nation, let us raise a glass (filled with your beverage of choice) to Alice Paul on this her birthday!
If you too are unaware of Alice Paul and her courage, passion, and endurance in gaining women the right to vote, I most highly recommend the movie, IRON-JAWED ANGELS. In fact, if you have not yet done so, you must watch this film. If you need to borrow a copy, let me know, I'll loan you mine.
IRON-JAWED ANGELS stars Hillary Swank as Alice Paul and along with the compelling narrative of the efforts given to get the 19Th Amendment passed, is also a great primer on teaching "Advocacy 101." A cup of coffee and conversation for any and all who watch the film and can tell me the significance of the title.
I give thanks to the amazing women from the California-Pacific Conference of the United Methodist Church who introduced me to this film when I spent two glorious weeks in San Diego leading their conference's women's retreat. In response, I have used the movie to encourage women to register to vote; to inspire women to continue to vote; and to teach folks the "hows" and "whys" of advocacy.
Here's to Alice Paul and all the suffragettes! In this most critical of election seasons may we each exercise our right to cast an informed vote for the candidate of our choosing.
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