Following yesterday's gospel reading, I've been doing a lot of thinking about fishing. As a child, I accompanied my father on several fishing trips. They were enjoyable times spent with my Dad, outdoors, near the water, quiet...well...I was frequently told to keep quiet.
In my experience, the appeal of fishing is spending time with a person; quiet time, sharing a lunch, talking, being with and enjoying the beauty of the outdoors. Seems to me that if you want to draw someone into the "fold of faith" the same strategy works --- spend time with, listen, share a meal, take-in some beauty together.
So much in life comes down to relationships and relationships that are about the person and the gift the person is instead of what that person can do for you in terms of material gifts or adding some notch on one's disciple belt. It's been said by others several times, yet, it bears repeating, for many of the faithful the call to be "fishers of people" is often exercised as being "hunters" and we like to boast about the "good member we bagged for God."
I want to get to know a person and do so by being real and having no other agenda than getting to know the person. It's in real and honest moments that deep conversation and heartfelt sharing occur. Those moments are to be treasured for what they are moreso than what one can gain from them. Be in the moment and let the moment shared be the treasure received.
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