It has been said that it's not the destination that matters, it's the journey. I like it and agree. On this first Sunday in Lent, that maxim serves all travelers well.
During this Lenten season, the readings will come from the Gospel of Mark, the shortest of the four gospels and written in short sentences with quick action and fast paced narratives. Mark wants to get the story out and do so quickly.
Today's reading in just a few verses has Jesus baptized, tempted in the wilderness, tended to by angels, and beginning his ministry with a call to repentance for the reign of God is at hand.
To catch all the action and be ready for all the twists and turns and the long, slow stretches of our individual and corporate Lenten journeys, we would be wise to pay attention and be in the moment. Let us not be in such a hurry to get to Easter; let us make the most of this Lent by asking ourselves:
What is my greatest joy?
What are my fears?
To what am I called?
How and with what talents am I moving the Message and the Reign a bit further
down the road?
Blessings on your journey this Lent, as one theologian called it, "A journey from ashes to fire."
Very nice. Those are great questions for me to contemplate, and I will start doing so.