So, I'm sure you've all been waiting with grand enthusiasm to find out how I introduced myself to 5 total strangers without saying a word. Before, I share, I still would like to hear how you would do this...
Charged with the task of introducing myself without saying a word to five total strangers, I went to the first person on my left (I always go to the left), knelt down, and pantomimed washing her feet; I moved to the next person and did the same...and so on until I had "symbolically washed" each person's feet. Worked.
According to John's gospel, this was the symbolic act the Christ used to convey the call to disciples to practice humility and be in service --- he went to each of the disciples and washed their feet.
One of the most moving actions in my ministry has been the times when I have washed...really washed...the feet of another. I would always offer this before the Holy Thursday worship service. During Lent, (which begins on 22 February) I will share some stories from these feet-washing moments....yes, in case you're keeping track, that's another teaser...
In a society too often driven by arrogance and self-absorption, we would be wise to remember our call to humble service. For starters, let us begin with a good definition of humility. My favorite, and in my opinion, the best definition is from Sister Joan Chittister, OSB who defines humility as "a proper perspective of self in a universe full of wonders." The definition works because humility is not self-deprecating nor self-loathing; it really is about perspective.
Happy service!
Very nice. The reminder of what humility is and keeping proper perspective of self is excellent.