OK, so I'm one of the many, many who are caught up in the "Hunger Games" craze! Honestly, when the first person told me about the book's premise: a group of children fight to the death --- my reaction was why would anyone want to read that?!!!?
Then, my niece, Lydia, told me about it and said that I should read it. Sold.
I began reading the first book and was sucked into the story immediately. Upon finishing the second one, I promptly ordered the third book on my Kindle. I'm 1/4 of the way through this final book...don't even think of telling me how it ends....pardon that harsh threat yet I still have never gotten over my neighbor telling me that Darth Vader was Luke Sykwalker's father.....
Of course, last evening, I went to see the film and really enjoyed it and am confident I will see it again. What's good is how the movie remains very loyal to the book.
So, what's the draw to this series? First, the strong female character who is resourceful, smart, courageous, strong, and a leader is grand enough reason for every young woman to read this trilogy. Second, perhaps we too can muster courage to stand against all that oppresses. Third, maybe it will cause us to re-think reality television and, oh, I don't know, actually have folks with talent be stars...I'm just saying.....
Throughout all this, I think it is always a good thing when a book series gets kids reading.....that reminds me....I need to go read.....
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