Monday, May 28, 2012

Musings at the "unofficial" start of summer

As Memorial Day 2012 draws to a close, some musings on what begins the unofficial start of summer --

* How wonderful an invention is the front porch! One of my most favorite places ever was the front porch at my mother's home where I spent many a day with a good book and many a summer evening talking or just being with Mom.

* Maya Angelou called it one of her favorite meals -- a grilled hot dog with an ice-cold "Corona." I admire Maya for many things....and, this, is just one more.

* There is such energy and innoncence and joy at a park in summer. Spend time there...lots of time.

* I am going to work for the US Government to begin in earnest a Department of Peace.

* Just notice how green and full and lush are the trees!

* Summer hours for worship is a grand idea; even better is holding worship outside. To quote the poet, Mary Oliver, the "best sermon may indeed be the sun."

* Baseball is a glorious game and is very good for one's soul.

What say you about this glorious season of summer?


1 comment:

  1. I say that summer makes me happy! I like what you wrote a whole lot. The sun sermon idea really gives a lot to think about....
