Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Summer Alphabet....

Continuing with my summer alphabet....

E = Ear of corn. One of the truly great things of summer is fresh corn on the cob. During the summer, we had corn-on-the-cob at most every meal; of course this was made a lot easier in my childhood when we planted and harvested our own corn. A favorite memory was when the entire family and some members from the extended family came together to harvest the corn, husk it, cook it, cut it, and freeze it. Of course, I enjoyed being able to drive the car through the field to haul back the picked corn. This corn harvest was a major endeavor that lasted long into the night with my father setting up outdoor lighting and a "Coleman" stove. I recall the fun and the energy of having "all hands on deck" through this process.

F = Front Porch.
One of my most favorite places on the planet would have to have been the front porch at my Mom's place in summer. It was were we gathered for many a summer evening to talk, play word games,guess which color of car would drive by next, and to try and solve other such mental puzzles. We welcomed all visitors arriving by car, bike, or on feet to have a seat on the porch and join us in such revelry. The flowers, the painted rocks, the various planters, the wind chimes, and the company made this one of the most special places ever.

G = Garden. Our garden was so impressive that it was the envy of the neighborhood. My father made certain the rows were perfectly straight and he kept watch over it like a sentinel on duty at the border. We all shared in the work of with most tasks it is made bearable when shared with others and the occasional weed fight with one's siblings. With the flowers or the pepper and tomato plants, my Mom spent many a summer evening in the garden. Both my parents enjoyed this hobby and it was evidenced in the quality of the work. Our garden kicked grass! Of course, we enjoyed the fruits of their labor throughout the year as both also excelled in the fine art of canning. It is only as I am older that I realize what a gift it was to be raised in a home where my parents were so connected to the land and how, literally and metaphorically, it grounded me and gave both ease and stability.

H = Hours.
Do you notice in the summer how little time you spend watching the clock? Summer is a time to be and to enjoy; it's the season of cold drinks on porches and long, lazy afternoons at pools, on decks, in ballparks. How wonderful to have all those long days of daylight! Make the most of the season by simply being.


1 comment:

  1. I like these! All wonderful. Conjure up good thoughts of summer.... Good work. Very colorful. Thanks for sharing.
