Monday, October 29, 2012

Wait for it....

As you read this, I assume you have power (define that however you wish), are warm and safe and being smart. The latest "storm of the century" is walloping the eastern sea board and I confess I am amazed that there are reported 70 mph winds at JFK airport....yowzers!

Living in the 24-hour news cycle of our media-saturated times, the networks will be busy trying to fill the airwaves with any nuance, angle, or human interest story they can find. I'm waiting for some religious zealot to say this unprecedented storm hitting so late in the year, is some divine act of "people pay-up time." Just wait for it, someone will say God has it in for the blue states dotting the northeast and will tie that into the election.


While perusing my weekly time magazine, I noted one of the best print ads I've seen in quite awhile. The ad is from the Salvation Army and the tag line is: "Combating natural disasters with acts of God."


Keep that in mind and look for evidences of those acts of God as the storm blows out to sea and people respond and re-build. Witness and give thanks for the uitility wokers pulling double and triple shifts; the firefighters and police personel on patrol; those working in shelters and caring for those whose address is the street.

I thought about adding the weather people who stand out in the middle of a raging storm to tell us that, "Hey, it's really nasty outside;" yet, willingly doing that job tells me they need a deeper kind of prayer.

May our actions be ones of light, of grace, of compassion for there is where God is and abides.



  1. Too many good things here.... First, having power! Wonderful. I hope I do. "People pay up time?" Wonderful also. God having it in for the blue states dotting the norhteast has me on my back laughing. And the image of the weather people trying to stand up with the wind. REALLY good stuff. A refuge against the storm. I take comfort in the "where God is and abides." Thanks.

  2. Thanks! Glad the post brought a laugh and a chance to reflect!
