What was fascinating, however, was that my friend’s son’s favorite Super Hero is Robin. I liked that he is drawn to the loyal partner, the faithful sidekick, the one not grabbing all the headlines.
As the buzz begins for this season’s summer movies, it looks like once again there will be an abundance of films based on Super Heroes. They will be there because people love those movies and they will bring in a lot of money.
What is our ongoing fascination with Super Heroes?
Is it our need to believe in a positive force for good?
In this post 9-11 world, do we need to know that good ultimately will triumph?
With so many so very afraid do we need to know someone has our back and we will be rescued?
There’s a great movie called MYSTERY MEN that features common persons claiming their own very personal super powers. There’s “The Bowler” and “The Shoveler” and “Mr. Furious” --- basic amateurs with a belief in what they can do.
The point is that “all of us are heroes and heroines if you catch us at the right moment.”
Be super today!
Good thoughts! Sometimes I wonder if people's belief in super heroes has to do with the notion of someone being able to rescue us or save us. I don't know. But "the bowler" and "the shoveler" and "Mr. Furious?" Now those are people I can really believe in! Thank you!