Thursday, November 5, 2015

Seasonal Disorder

When is it too early?

I was at the local mall earlier this evening and as of today, 5 November, they are already in full decoration mode for the holiday season....seriously.

They pushed aside Thanksgiving like a second helping of pumpkin pie by a stuffed diner and have moved right into the Christmas season. A giant wreath is on the main door, decorated trees of assorted themes and wisemen of varying diversity fill a storefront and the ultimate Christmas season shout-out: Santa! Yes, they are ready --- with the fake-snow dusted path, the candy cane markers, the reindeer and the big, red, velvet chair all waiting for Santas with fake beards and insincere good will to arrive and stay for weeks on end.

Clearly, I'm not yet in the holiday mood.

Perhaps it's the amazing run of warm weather (high seventies) that we are experiencing in Southwestern Pennsylvania, yet this took me aback and made me call for a rushing-the-season penalty.

I'm going to go and place a candle in my jack-o-lantern and let her shine!


1 comment:

  1. For me, it's about being in the moment and enjoying the moment. And not letting retailers thrust us forward prematurely for their own gain. The jack-o-lantern deserves his moment in the candlelight. As do the turkeys. Santa will have his moment too. All in due time.... For now, when the Christmas songs come on the radio, I just find a new station.... Thank you for this reminder.
