Saturday, December 12, 2020


J =    JESUS

Kind of a given that the J would be for Jesus. I've heard it, read it, sent it and yes, wore my very own "Jesus Is the Reason for the Season" button. 

It was decades ago and I was new to the faith, going to local Christian bookstores, listening to Christian recording artists and wearing this button every day during the Advent season. I confess I pinned it on with a certain arrogance and self-righteous conceit. For me it was a very judgmental accessory.

I love Jesus. I've got a lot of work to do to be a so much better disciples....I fail often (blessed be the gift of grace).  I never have been a judgmental, whose in and whose out, earn or burn type. 

I choose to focus on the love and the teaching and the justice and the inclusion of Jesus. From where he was born and who came to visit to who he welcomed and chose as dining companions, my love of Jesus centers on his radical hospitality and his delight in us...all of us, right now, this moment.

One can't put that sentiment on a button....this one has to be evidenced in a life.


Along with cookies, shopping. children's pageants and decorating, a relatively newer addition to the observation of the season are the Holiday Christmas specials. Many of these first aired when I was a little kid so I've kind of grown up with them. 

Those earlier specials with the clunky animation and so-so graphics are timeless favorites!  

Each season, I have to shake my advent tail feathers to "I'm Mr. Snow Mizer and I'm Mr. Heat Mizer."

Even Christmas specials have an origin story offering ---- "Santa Claus is Coming to Town."  With the red-headed Kris Kringle and the Winter Warlock and Burgermeister, Meister Burger we learn why we hang stockings and the lights on the Christmas trees and why every kid needs a toy for Christmas.  

What is your and your families origin story for celebrating the holiday? What are the tales behind the ornaments and the star on top of the tree? 

L =    LISTS

Before the internet and social media, there was the jumbo SEARS Christmas Catalog. This thing was a door stopper. When it arrived, one longed for their turn to leaf through the pages and fold back the corners marking where a desired item could be found.  Mom knew what to do next. The majority of her Christmas shopping when I was little, was to order from the catalog.  As we grew up, we wrote down our lists of wants and must-haves and those were affixed to the refrigerator for easy access by those in the house with disposable income.

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