Friday, January 1, 2021




There is just something inspiring about a new, blank calendar; a crisp, clean journal; an untouched snow-covered field; a newly dragged and lined baseball diamond; a brand new pair of sneakers.......

As a kid, I was always jacked to receive a new pair of sneakers.  There was the intoxicating new shoes smell and removing the paper covering the sneakers and jammed into the toes of the shoe.  When you put on the sneakers for the first time and checked the aesthetic factor of how they looked with your blue jeans, the next phase was to break in the new sneakers by walking around in 'em for a bit.  Because of the newness factor, one believed one could run faster, jump higher, stop stronger. 

I still want to know what deviant came up with the concept of stomping their dirty shoe onto your sparkly, new shoe and triumphantly exclaiming something along the lines of "stamped!" or "stomped!" What exactly was the meaning of that mean-ness? willingly target a new pair of shoes and mark the shoe with a dirty, black smudge??!!!?  I'm not sure, yet, I believe said shoe-stompers spend eternity in level 4 of Dante's Latin may be a bit off, yet, I think I read that and it is accurate.

The journey of a new year is before us. For these first several days, I trust we will feel energized and confident that we can and will achieve new heights, reach our goals and become and then be boldly and beautifully our whole selves!

Of course, we know at some point we are going to feel stomped on, stamped as a failure, have the marks of someone's meanness.  

Keep on going....there is still more pathways and possibilities.

When making the error that lost the game, missing  the trophy buck, flunking the test, being snubbed and ignored by Mr. or Miss each of those stomps and more my mother's refrain was "Life goes on...."  Indeed it does.....

Journey onward and forward......

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