Friday, June 2, 2023

What a Day!

 In so very many ways my mum excelled at making each of her children feel special and she brought the magic.  One always knew what season it was by the change in some of the refrigerator magnets and the decorations on the fridge and bulletin board.  What a woman!


She was a mum who on St. Patrick’s Day would add green food coloring to the milk and exclaim the leprechauns had done their work.

She was a mum who told tales about my brother’s handmade wooden gnomes that stood in the side yard and welcomed the birds to the feeder.

She was a mum who provided each person seated at the Christmas dining table a nose flute and then led the nasal noise makers orchestra.


With social media there are now a slew of “National Days” to recognize and celebrate. For example, in the coming week one can celebrate National Eyewear Day (June 6) and National Yo-Yo Day also on June 6 (alas the day will have its ups and downs…BOOM!), Sunday, June 4 is National Cheese Day…….


Of course, all this talk of National Days leads us to perhaps the sweetest of National Days --- NATIONAL DONUT DAY which is TODAY!!!! 

Please celebrate accordingly.  

 When I was in local congregational ministry, I always took Fridays as my day off.  I would take my mum to her weekly hair appointment (she was always a beauty) and then make a donut run, mum’s favorite was the French donut, I preferred the vanilla crème filled. 

Her oldest grandson loved the “Hostess” chocolate-iced donuts (which he called “dough-huts) and mum kept a steady stock.


My maternal line was blessed with amazing cooks (…sigh…sometimes things skip a generation….) and all exceled in the breadth of cooking, yet each had their specialty. For my Aunt Ruth it was donuts. She made them excellent, and she made them quickly and she always had them at her house and would plate them speedily.  Blessed be.


So many memories surrounding donuts.  

Early in my ministerial career, I was the guest preacher at a local congregation. I arrived early and recalled the donut shop that I passed a mere half mile from the church.  I had time, they had donuts.  

I purchased a coffee and two vanilla crème donuts which always had powdered sugar on the top.  I was wearing my black dress suit and as I sat in my car enjoyed my donuts and coffee only to realize the powdered sugar had fallen onto my black dress suit.  The more I tried to wipe off the powdered sugar the worse it became.  

I preached, the sermon was well-received yet, admittedly, it’s hard to bring the Word of God with powdered sugar on your crotch.



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