The emptying, the journeying through, the desiring to be more, to be better --- all comes into a moment of fullness on Easter.
Literally and metaphorically, we come to the dawn, to the sunrise of a new day and are surrounded by the bright purples, pinks, yellows, and whites of flowers and trees in bloom; there is an energy, a belief confirmed, a renewing --- there is life!
Where we least expect to find it --- life.
In the midst of loss and confusion --- hope, a real belief in what can be.
In the numbing, destructive, well-worn, uninspiring routines of our lives --- there is newness, a new day, a new start, a new perspective, a new me!
Easter is the ultimate game changer.
Easter asks us to experience it not with the donning of bonnets and finery, more than the joyous refrains, beyond the family gatherings --- Easter asks us to risk, to open, to believe and to trust in life made new.
Easter calls us to throw off the old and worn and familiar and become new, become more, become whole.
As in all things, Easter is ours if we say yes to life.
Yes,thank you. What a sense of hope and newness for us all..."Come to the dawn, to the sunrise of a new day." Happy Easter! Well done.