For anyone who grew up in a small town there is a certain charm to a parade. The high school band is all tuned-up (or, close enough), folks bring out their lawn chairs, kids sit on the curb, it seems as if everyone is there and surrounding it all is a positive energy so tangible one remembers it years later.
The most recent parade I attended was the Penguins victory parade through downtown Pittsburgh following the winning of their third Stanley Cup. A friend of mine referred to it as "the march of the penguins."
The beginning of Holy Week starts with a parade. Jesus on a donkey, surrounded by his followers, a throng of townspeople waving palm branches and shouting, "Hosanna!" For a moment, stay with the parade, don't look ahead, remain with the energy of the day. This is it --- the moment long waited for...finally, a triumphant entry into the holy city of Jerusalem....now is the time for the reign to begin and for Rome to be removed from power.
In the midst of this, I see Jesus calm, observant, quiet, perhaps a small smile as he watches seated a bit apart from the party. He has to enjoy seeing the energy and exuberance of his friends. He has to be bothered by the underpinning plans for overthrow.
Where is your focus during this parade? Are you too caught up in the energy and rush of the event? Are you enjoying the exuberant actions of others, caught up in people watching?
I encourage each of us to let our focus of the week be on the Christ. Draw close enough to watch, hear, understand.
Who doesn't love a parade? Thanks for the reminder to just "be."